Food Processing & Cold Storage

Industrial food processing kitchen with washable walls, floor drains, and temperature controlled space.

Food and beverage processing is California’s third largest manufacturing sector. Los Angeles County has more food manufacturing buildings than any other California County. The largest concentrations of food companies in LA County are in the City of Los Angeles, Vernon, Commerce, and Industry. For a list of available food facility real estate listings for sale or lease contact us.

In 2013, the U.S. food and beverage manufacturing sector employed about 1.5 million people. Meat and poultry plants employed the largest percentage of food and beverage manufacturing workers, followed by bakeries, and fruit and vegetable processing properties.

Cooler space: Space that maintains temperatures between 0 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Freezer space: Space that maintains temperatures at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

California has 347M cubic feet of freezer space, 222M cubic feet of cooler space, for a total of 560,000,000 cubic feet of public and private refrigerated storage space in 2015.

Gross Refrigerated space – 10 largest states. Includes coolers freezers.


The IARW North American Top 25 List of the largest refrigerated warehousing and logistics providers in Canada and the United States.

1 Americold Logistics Canada and United States 907,859,958 25,707,689
2 Lineage Logistics United States 600,291,320 16,998,329
3 United States Cold Storage, Inc. United States 233,506,753 6,612,164
4 Preferred Freezer Services United States 212,896,689 6,028,553
5 VersaCold Logistics Services Canada 119,397,317 3,380,950
6 Interstate Warehousing, Inc. United States 82,469,569 2,335,274
7 Nordic Logistics and Warehousing, LLC United States 69,928,000 1,980,137
8 Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co. United States 64,983,705 1,840,131
9 Burris Logistics United States 62,329,576 1,764,974
10 Henningsen Cold Storage Co. United States 53,756,309 1,522,207
11 Congebec Logistics, Inc. Canada 49,660,000 1,406,212
12 Hanson Logistics United States 39,498,539 1,118,472
13 Conestoga Cold Storage Canada 36,879,800 1,044,318
14 AGRO Merchants Group, LLC[i] United States 29,375,156 831,810
15 Trenton Cold Storage, Inc. Canada 28,335,972 802,384
16 Confederation Freezers Canada 25,820,000 731,140
17 Zero Mountain, Inc. United States 23,644,000 669,522
18 Brookfield Cold Storage Canada 22,000,000 622,970
19 East Coast Warehouse & Distribution Corp. United States 22,000,000 622,970
20 Interstate Cold Storage, Inc. United States 21,403,000 606,064
21 Allied Frozen Storage, Inc. United States 21,246,747 601,640
22 Hall’s Warehouse Corp. United States 20,625,304 584,043
23 MTC Logistics United States 18,278,901 517,600
24 Nor-Am Cold Storage, Inc. United States 17,223,000 487,700
25 U.S. Growers Cold Storage, Inc. United States 16,365,356 463,415