Tag Archives: southern california edison

City of Vernon – Competitive Utility Rates

Vernon Light and  Power Current (Dec 2008) Rates vs. Southern California Edision 2008 rates for electricity and powerThe City of Vernon’s Light and Power Department produces attractive electric rates compared to Southern California Edison. Typically Vernon is 30-40% lower than SCE. Rates vary between small/medium and large power users. The City of Los Angeles DWP also beats SCE in power rates, but typically Vernon is the cheapest.  However, during the power shortage a few years back LA’s DWP was selling power to many neighboring cities and making a huge profit.  SCE and Vernon both produce power and buy it on the free market so they are somewhat vulnerable to fluctuations in the power marketplace.

Additionally, Vernon is 30-60% lower in supplying water given a typical user consuming about 6,000 HCF (hundred cubic feet) of water per month.